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Why Aacsb Accreditation?

Why AACSB Accreditation?

Although there are other accreditation organizations that business schools are accredited to in the world, according to 86% of the member schools; AACSB is the most well-known organization in the world. In addition to this, it contains much stricter principles and processes compared to other accreditation bodies.

The effects of being involved in the AACSB accreditation process for students and graduates can be listed as follows:

  • AACSB provides international recognition in the business and accounting programs of universities at the undergraduate, graduate and doctoral levels.
  • AACSB Accreditation Standards contribute to the students who study in these programs to improve themselves and get a better education.
  • Schools accredited to AACSB offer students a bright educational life, as well as education and career opportunities that are not available in other non-accredited schools.
  • Schools accredited to AACSB raise graduates that are more demanded by employers than non-accredited schools.
  • AACSB official student site bestbizschools offers students a variety of opportunities.
  • Students of AACSB accredited schools can become members of Beta Gamma Sigma Honor Society. Beta Gamma Sigma is an international honor community serving for programs with AACSB Accreditation. Beta Gamma Sigma membership is the highest certification a student can have when studying in an AACSB accredited management science program.

The effects of being involved in the AACSB accreditation process for faculty are as follows:

  • Faculties, as the employees of an accredited institution, have the opportunity to apply recognition, self-development, universal education rules and curriculum.
  • Faculties have the opportunity to meet with other academicians and develop cooperation and share good practices by enrolling in the AACSB Exchange module, which includes 1400 faculties in 90 different countries and has more than 33.000 academicians.
  • On the other hand, MyAACSB platform provides access to shared curriculum, projects, conferences and seminar materials of other faculties.

In addition, if faculties and students want to continue their careers abroad, they can easily apply to the academic advertisements of universities that cooperate with AACSB around the world and to search for employees of other businesses and access employment opportunities through the BizSchoolJobs link. Because large companies such as Bloomberg, Dow Jones Company, Grant Thornton, Financial Times are members of AACSB and cooperate.